Fighter Condition
Get Your Body & Mind in Total Fighting Shape
If you want to experience a real fighter workout, you have to go where the pros go, and that’s Peter Welch’s Gym in South Boston. We are an old-school boxing gym with real rings, real equipment, and real fighters leading the class. Peter Welch’s Gym Fighter Conditioning Classes enable people of any age and fitness level to workout like professional boxers – without the sparring. These classes are ideal for people wanting to lose weight, enhance their overall toning, seeking constant variety in their workouts and those looking to bring their overall conditioning to the highest levels. The Fighter Conditioning class is a mix of young and old, men and women, serious fighters and newbies.

Our Fighter Conditioning Programming
Is Diverse, Structured, & “Unplugged.”
If you are new to Peter Welch’s Gym, or still working your way into shape, we will show you easier modifications of exercises that a professional fighter would be doing. You will do dumbbell complexes, medicine ball drills, line exercises, heavy bag drills, P.A.T drills, triple ko combos, cardio combos – just to name a few exercises. Your trainer will guide and keep you motivated while offering tips for proper form and technique.
The Fighter Conditioning Classes are based on real fighter conditioning and everything is timed into rounds. The class begins with a few minutes of jump roping to get the heart rate up.
Then comes the different rounds of varied exercises like punching a heavy bag and shadowboxing. Using a punching bag in the right way can help you to make advances with your technique, as well as it being a good form of cardio exercise. But in the middle of it all the trainer will yell out, “Squat thrusts!” which means you stop, drop, do an exercise similar to a burpee, and then go right back to the bag. Next comes sprints around the ring, suicides, and then more punching. Just when you think your arms are going to fall off, it’s time for push-ups and medicine ball work. Then, of course, back to the bags. You will work the arms, abs, butt, thighs, and more. Each trainer has their own unique routine/workout that they continually changing in order to keep you on your toes!